PEAK Connect Tender allows for electronic booking of freight with your carrier selection.
We have worked with our carrier partners to provide you with a single endpoint to submit your pickups. No need to go directly to the carrier to call for pickup or have your IT team write individual API integrations by carriers.
QA: http(s)://{xml , json}
Production: http(s)://{xml , json}z
Property Name | Required | Format | Definition |
accessToken | Y | accessToken value returned from a call to the Authenticate API | |
shipmentNumber | Y | String | accessToken value returned from a call to the Authenticate API |
carrierScac | N | String 4 characters | A collection of error messages. See below for error message details |
tenderTest | N | String | accessToken value returned from a call to the Authenticate API |
Property Name | Date Type | Description |
tenderNumber | String | If present, a unique identifier for the tender submitted. This is an identifier used internally to the tendering system and is not related to other identifiers, such as PRO or BOL Number, for the shipment. |
shipmentNumber | String | Shipment identifier for the shipment tendered. This will match the shipmentNumber in the tender request |
ediControlNumber | String | If present, the control number sent to the carrier via EDI when the pickup request was submitted |
statusDetails | A collection of StatusDetail elements for the tender. See below for status detail properties. | |
errors | A collection of Error elements for the tender response. There will always be at least one entry, with a code of REQUEST_ID and a unique identifier in the message. See below for error properties |
Property Name | Date Type | Description |
statusCode | String | One of SUBMITTED – pickup request transmitted to the carrier or FAILED – tender request failed. If FAILED, see the errors for more details on the issues |
statusMessage | String | Display message related to the statusCode |
statusType | String | If present, the means by which the tender was submitted to the carrier. Most typically this will be EDI |
statusDate | String | Timestamp of the tender submission to the carrier. Formatted as yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss |
statusLocation | String | If present, the postal code for the shipment pickup |
statusCodeReason | String | Deprecated as unused – likely to be removed from a future version of the API |
appointmentStatusCode | String | Deprecated as unused – likely to be removed from a future version of the API |
appointmentStatusCodeReason | String | Deprecated as unused – likely to be removed from a future version of the API |
Property Name | Date Type | Description |
code | String | Unique code for the message |
message | String | Display message related to the code |